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Psychotherapy Tools

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    "Prepare to Prosper"                    

Individual Psychotherapy Sessions              

Activate, Reconnect, and Transform! 

Integrative Psychotherapy  involves exploration into past and present events and works with the unconscious mind to bring repressed thoughts and feelings into the consciousness to aid the process of change and healing.  Tools to guide this process can include identification of psychological "parts", archetypes, themes, word association, and exploration. Additionally, projective work such as sentence completions, creative activities, and symbolic interpretations may be used.  

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) may utilize tools such as Guided Imagery, Visualization, and Mindfulness. Concrete skills for identifying and changing thought patterns, core beliefs, habits, and attitudes which are unhelpful and/or unhealthy are incorporated, and together we structure new ways of thinking and being. This may include creating new coping mechanisms and behavioral practices through identification of assumptions, cost-benefit analysis and/or imaginal exposure.

Somatic Experiencing (SE) helps to address dysregulation of the nervous system and supports you in moving through strong emotions stored in the body which tend to be held by distressing memories, or trauma. "Soma" means "the body as perceived from within". Somatic experiencing helps you to discharge bodily tension and allow a traumatic memory's energetic hold to be released. This can be done through a combination of mindfulness and incorporated body movements such as tapping, or deep breathing and grounding exercises. 

Brainspotting (BSP) is a powerful therapeutic treatment method that goes beyond the mind to gain direct access to unprocessed trauma stored in the subcortical brain by locating eye movement points in the client's visual field. A "Brainspot" is the eye position which correlates with the emotional activation of a distressing/emotionally charged issue within the brain. It works by identifying, processing, and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation, and a variety of other challenging symptoms. "Clients often fall into two categories. The first being those who are seeking therapy for the first time. The second are people who have been in therapy before who are seeking a therapist with new techniques. With focus and precision, one can find with eye positions (Brainspots) where the (distressing memories) are held in the brain. This allows the brain to process from the inside out and from the bottom up" ( Brainspotting is for clients who would like (or feel the need) to go deeper within their healing.  Nicole is formally trained in Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 Brainspotting, as well we Parts Work Brainspotting.

We can use one, all, or a combination of these interventions to resolve issues such as grief and loss. depression, anxiety, feelings of "stuckness", identity confusion, trauma, end-of-life

issues, or finding purpose and meaning in life. 

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26 Court St., Bklyn, NY

"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."       - Carl Jung
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"Caring for the Connection"

Therapy Sessions for Couples & Families           

"Love is not the icing on the cake of life.  It is a basic primary need, like oxygen or water.  Once we understand and accept this, we can more easily get to the heart of relationship problems" (Dr. Sue Johnson - "Hold Me Tight" (2008)

With an intimate and compassionate focus on the needs of the individuals as well as the needs of the bond which connects them, we will explore unresolved issues, unsaid words, unheard thoughts, unexpressed feelings, and unknown wants, and we will gently bring them to the surface from their depths as we undo dysfunctional patterns.  We will learn how each person wants to be taken care of, as we each understand the necessity of taking care of ourselves.  Through Emotionally-Focused interventions and conversations, these sessions will help each person in the union to connect more deeply and meaningfully, and to move through the process of trust, authenticity, openness, appreciation, and transformation. 

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26 Court St., Bklyn, NY

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                                       "Expect to Excel"

                            Group Self-Care Workshops


"Healing yourself is connected to healing others" (Yoko Ono)       As a supportive group we will engage in insight-based activities and evidence-based approaches to managing anxious and depressive symptoms, reducing stress, and taking care of yourself so you can be your best self for yourself and for others. Though Affirmations, Mindfulness, Relaxation breathing, and Guided Visualization, you will learn how to center yourself, gain balance, and rejuvenate in a supportive environment.    

"For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, it's insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn't understand growth, it would look like complete destruction." (Cynthia Occelli)

              "Believe in the Possibility of Impossibility"
                        Person-Centered SandPlay

Learning, Exploring, and Discovering Through Guided Play!  "Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain" (Carl Jung).  Play is considered to be children's language of communication, and it is also widely used in work with teenagers, couples, families and adults in need of a form of expression when words alone just aren't enough. Through the use of Sand Tray, symboolic figures, and other therapeutic modalities, you not only discover yourself as your center, but you are also able to work within a powerful safe container for deep inner exploration.Therapeutic activities which incorporate natural materials such as wood, stone, water, fabric, and sand may be used for their grounding, calming, and soothing elements while also facilitating a connection to each individual's own natural inner healing capacities.  Adults, children, and groups will be able to work with materials that facilitate self-awareness, self-insight, and self-discovery.  Some healing intentions include: Reflection, Insight, Gratitude, Surrender, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Letting Go, Connection, Feeling Our Feelings, Owning Our Power, and Gaining Balance.

     Meditation Sessions

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